Planets on sale now!
The wait is over! Beginning March 15, 2018, we’ll be releasing our 5,050 unique planets
--the entire Alpha Galaxy!-- for sale to the public. These planets are gameplay ready upon purchase; not only will they immediately start to accrue resources, but they can be used instantly for attack!
Alpha Galaxy contains a hundred (100) Size 1 planets, ninety-nine (99) Size 2 planets, etc., and
only one (1) Size 100 planet. No new planets will
ever be added to this galaxy, so be sure to get the ones you want early!
Don't wait for another Big Bang. Create your account and get your planets before they're gone!
What is EtherStrike?
EtherStrike is a game built on blockchain that lets you acquire planets as you conquer the Universe. But unlike other blockchain games our planets aren't just collectibles; they're functional war machines! Use your planets to attack the enemy, and grow your planet wallet through total domination!
Not Just Planets, But Farms!
Unique from the blockchain games already out there, EtherStrike has introduced the concept of harvesting! What does this mean? In the EtherStrike Universe, attacking requires resources. Luckily, your planets will generate resources; but what to do with the extras?
Sell them! Players may sell resources in the Marketplace for Ether, meaning your planets not only have face value, but they consistently create new value!
EtherStrike. Own the Universe.